How to Situate Spaces of Uncertainty
How to Situate Spaces of Uncertainty is the first exhibition since the creation of Circa 106, which took place under the shadow of a pandemic that led to the cancellation of the the same condition, we are now working together on new strategies that can keep up the conversation within the affected community. The online platform is a promising medium, and we tend to exhaust its limits in the coming days. In the meantime we are here and share with you some pictures and statements of artists.
1. Spectaculos discipline
Daria SazanovichVideo, 2017-2020
A video archive of the unique situation: observing someone being already observed. A group of people locked for a year for the drill in a small surveilled heterotopia. A year of preparation to the main military spectacle of the year — parade.
2. Landscape; Wall line
Fredy SolanInstallation - 2020
A single wallprint made of its pulverized bricks. This questioning of the weight of a wall, using its same material to leave a visible wallprint that at the same time, is ephemeral. This project thinks of intangible common space that are shared within the architectural spaces.
3. t owalk thec ity
Lucas KalmusFarzad Golghasemi
Installation - 2020
To walk is to give yourself access to a full experience of the path which leads through the place that is located on a three dimensional globe.
To orientate in three dimensional space is to constantly relate form and size that changes subjectively with every step.
To walk is to perform patterns of movement and to constantly recur branches of urban structure which become patterns.
Constant movement forms patterns that build your experience and feed the contemporary cloud through your associated device.
To process huge amounts of meta information with A.I. can be used to antagonize the natural vanishing of traces in space, anonymity of personal movement dynamics and the disappearance of temporal patterns.
t owalk thec ity invites you to recreate momentary perspectives of the artists in your own three dimensional experience.
In a digital drawing on a continuous fabric sourced from cloud based metadata about individual dynamics in the urban fabric during one year time you are invited to learn about the aesthetics of visualizing such information.

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Bismarckstraße 106. 28203 Bremen, Germany