In the current time, access to the materials for expression, realization and sharing-with are blocked or delayed. Writing and intellectual labour is more likely to be considered in its material form. We proposed an exercise of writing which is not self-sufficient and dismissive, but rather opening and keen to be contested and transformed. The covid-19 pandemic has evidenced that care is a societal act, and it is dependent on care for all. We understand time and work as temporal and durational; in this project we have offered a schedule that allows each person to spend time and care for the thoughts of their fellow peers.
This hybrid online / offline publication is the result of a text-based care-work exercise initiated by Circa 106 and the participation of five writers, one editor and you, the visitor. It allows for the assimilation of multiple pathways, in which the visitor can navigate through and with the texts. Each path functions like an ecosystem, accommodating a set of writings; ‘Care initiated by ?’ shows the consecutive transformations of the initial text. ‘Care towards ? ’ shows the gathering of all texts which one person has generated throughout the collective work. Finally, ‘? takes care’ shows all the texts which one person has received.
Additionally, the visitor is invited to respond to the texts through the caring space with a simple drawing and two text inputs (one to copy-paste excerpts that resonate with them and one to contain their thoughts). With these acts of care, each visitor reconfigures a singular route through the participant’s contributions. Finally, it is possible to export a printable file, which materializes the response in a single A4 page. Readers are invited to send their pdfs file to for them to be printed and exhibited at Circa 106’s gallery in the near future.
Important! For the best compatibility for the print version, desktop browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Safari work best. Mobile browsers act inconsistently for printing.
Please consider donating to the following Lebanese disaster relief fund: Impact Lebanon.
Choose a path:
Choose a route:
Path I, Route 1: H -
DH -
Path I, Route 2: N -
HN -
Path I, Route 5: D -
JD -
Path I, Route 3: S -
NS -
Path I, Route 4: J -
SJ -
Path II, Route 1: H -
HN -
Path II, Route 2: N -
NS -
Path II, Route 3: S -
SJ -
Path II, Route 4: J -
JD -
Path II, Route 5: D -
DH -
Path III, Route 1: H -
DH -
Path III, Route 2: N -
HN -
Path III, Route 3: S -
NS -
Path III, Route 4: J -
SJ -
Path III, Route 5: D -
JD -
[J] =
Jana's initial text
Brasilianischer Sauerklee
(oaxalis triangularis)
Wenn ich ausatme, atmet sie ein. Glockenförmig miteinander
verbunden und von raubehaarten Kelchstängeln umgeben tanzen die
dunkelroten Blätter wie Schmetterlinge, fast schwerelos über dem
Blumenkübel vor weißer Wand. Sensibel. Irrational. Unsterblich.
Die Stängel wippen im Takt von Licht und Dunkelheit. Weiß-
rosafarbene Blüten wachsen zart umschlossen von ihren grünen
Kelchen im Sommer über die Blätter hinaus und verteilen ihren
Eingebettet in ein unterirdisches System, einem Beziehungsgefüge
in dem es weder Subjekt noch Objekt gibt ist die Pflanze in
einem vielschichtigen und permanenten Prozess des Werdens
beheimatet. Das Rhizom, es ist ihr Schutzraum, ihr
Entstehungsgeflecht und Zersetzungsmechanismus zugleich. Ein
netzartiger Zusammenhang, Ort der unvorhersehbaren Begegnung und
Denkmuster und Verbindungen. Es wächst an einer Stelle und
verschwindet an einer anderen wieder und immer wieder von Neuem.
Die Knollen und Knoten des sprossbürtigen Systems sind
Verbindungspunkte zwischen Oberfläche und innerer Endlosigkeit.
Sie verbinden sich miteinander, verschalten und verketten sich,
verwachsen und vergehen. Ein Wurzelstock ohne Anfang und Ende,
Zentrum und Peripherie. In ständigem Austausch.
Der erdige Geruch, ein Gemisch aus säuerlichem Ampferduft und
der von lieblichen Blüten erreicht mich, als ein Windhauch zum
halbgeöffneten Fenster hineinkommt, dort wo ich sitze. Sie
vermischen sich mit den anderen Düften der Stadt. Wenn ich
einatme, atmet sie aus. Der Geruch strömt durch meinen Körper,
durchwandert meine Sinneszellen, wird von mir aufgenommen,
lagert sich ein und formt Erinnerung, während die Pflanze an
ihrem Platz das Licht durchwächst. Langsam und unermesslich wie
ein Weltenreich.
Le Guin, Ursula K.. “Vaster Than Empires and More Slow.”
The Wind’s Twelve Quarters. New York: Harper and Row,
Barad, Karen. “Berühren - das Nicht-Menschliche, das ich also
bin.” Macht des Materials/Politik der Materialität. ed.
Susanne Witzgall and Kerstin Stakemeier. (Berlin: Diaphanes,
2014), 163-176.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
numbers and backslashes
dashes and colors
strokes of ink
camouflaged as pixels
characters in a parade
performing meaning
What you see now
is not a message
but a protest of time
as everything sits in granite
unmoved by the rise and fall
or light and dark
Understanding molts into a new skin
as you cling onto the peel
it melts in your hand
placeholders maintain the order
in a time of disorder
A_Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet-Hakeem Adam.txt
[D] =
Dorsa's initial text
But should you fail to keep your kingdom And, like your father before you, come. When thought accuses and feeling mocks, Believe your pain...
(W.H. Auden “Alonso to Ferdinand”)
Let me fail again, from becoming what you like to be, let me
stay on the edge of not being passive and not producing a THING.
I’m trying so hard to keep myself sane but let me fail again.
Let me be the failure you never wanted to be, not fall into the
chain of consumption and production, to say no, say no to being
greedy about my CV or resume, fulfilling the portfolio, taking
advantage of the situation, making a career! So I shall fail
again. Let me be the wrong one in the right place at the right
time. Let me plan day to day. Don’t let me use your calendar and
plan a whole year in advance. I’m taking small steps. Let me be
always one step behind and watch you go forward. Don’t let me
put a foot on a solid ground and let me slip and break a toe or
two. Let me be uncertain about myself. Let me doubt each shaky
step which I take. If I take, don’t let me take too much because
this is not my place and I agree. Let me be under debt Let me be
the last on your list. Let me embrace the boredom. Let me define
again and fail again. Let me refuse to ask for recognition. Let
me see that I’m limited to a thousand things. Let me pronounce
failure incorrectly. Let me be an example to others. Tell them,
“don’t be like her, she was a loser.” But if one of them failed,
let her fail again.
let me fail again.txt
[N] =
Nadim's initial text
Operating Manual for Spaceship
They would talk about the movement of time, sometimes being
forward or backward, depending on how it passed through them all
and all I remember is how they looked around after it was all
over. How expensive their feelings felt as they tried to sense a
direction. The best light to catch this expression is sunset
with sweat after hand-pollinating the plants all day. We started
this task after the humming birds fell down and froze as a
separate function. This is the biggest risk. To become a
definition outside of the optimum cycle.
Perhaps the great error is the distinction between a ship and a
shipwreck. Both reach their purpose when a preserved world is
given over to the sea and you ask how the interior holds. It
could have been made out of wood or iron or the latest
technology depending on the era and the crises, but to float it
had to be filled with myths of sea monsters. This classification
of life allows the outside to form outside of the ship’s
conscience. It is the only way to reach the horizon as an
achievement based on the ship occupying life instead of
occupying the sea. To say how beautifully tragic it was that we
survived the world burning down, in a building with no
neighborhood or at least the neighbors didn’t make a sound, and
how tragically beautiful it was to hear the world burning in
cackles through double glazed windows. I wonder in what
direction the fish swam when there were no aquariums on Noah’s
It was the first season with so many seasons. No one knew what
to do with them so we curved them into a plural singularity.
First Seasons. “It’s amazing how it all works together,” became
a phrase banned by politicians. They believe a coincidence in
nature is only one that works for their benefit. The news
stations moved into the first space colony on Earth to maintain
stable broadcasts. Beyond the glass dome they set up solar
panels and everything inside was selected to be part of the
ongoing life process. Apparently it was extremely green but they
still used green screens to show us what was happening to us.
The image got fainter and fainter when the Man With a Brush
could not wipe the dust off the solar panels gently as
instructed. The last I heard of him was something I missed like
someone smiling in my ear. It makes you want to turn around to
make sure it’s there, that he is safe, but you won’t see the
smile in close proximity to your ear, which is the fear of
naming a thing and you end up breathing into his for
He gave an account of a distant planet for hours. The pacing
drove the audience mad and put to rest the space between
eternity and its immediate consequences. How in the margins of a
book, a slanted note changes the frame of a world that is
already written.
[S] =
Suyeon's initial text
Last March
Sometimes thoughts lose themselves in thoughts. Why is it like
that? Why is it like this?
If thoughts are converted into writing, would they be able to
know the end of the thread? When building this little question
mark in the evening, I sit down in front of the desk and write
about memories.
One day, I was just sitting on my bed and looked out the window
onto the street. One or two leaves rolled in front of the pasty
building walls. I didn’t see anything moving other than the
leaves floating in the wind, so I moved my gaze back to the
screen of my phone. I sat in peace, but my mind was filled with
thoughts that had been dulled by vague days of waiting. Reading
the news reports of real-time fatalities, repeating and
saturating an already overwhelmed mind. I was breathing less and
How can everyday life crumble all at once?
Unknown Month
Niki Junpei, the protagonist of the novel
Woman in the Dunes, had repeatedly failed in his plan to
escape from a sand dune. He begins to rationalize that what he
sees in front of him is his reality. The category of his reality
is narrowed to the scene unfolding before his eyes. It is in
this moment that he decides to settle into a reality that he
made himself. Can “everyday life” be something that collapses
but is not strange?
If so, how do I define the category of reality?
When I walk through the park in the rainy season of May, I see
larvae descending from the trees along their silk thread. They
are constantly moving and heading somewhere. Sometimes they go
down and fall into the lake, or sit on my shoulders in my room.
When I put the larvae back in my backyard, I feel like I’ve
thrown someone into a new reality.
If I know where I am grounding my feet, will I be able to tell
what reality I am in?
One day, I was surprised by a category of reality from Noam
Chomsky while listening to his interview, and he seemed to have
a lot of trouble. He was almost a troubled mass. Therefore, I
could unwind around him. One of the categories of realities was
like this:
C.J. Polychroniou
US military interventions in the 21st century (e.g.,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria) have proven totally
disastrous, yet the terms of the intervention debate have yet
to be redrawn among Washington’s warmakers. What’s the
explanation for this?
Noam Chomsky
In part the old cliché: When all you have is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail. The comparative advantage of the
US is in military force. When one form of intervention fails,
doctrine and practice can be revised with new technologies,
devices, etc. There is a good review of the process from World
War II to the present in a recent book by Andrew Cockburn,
Kill Chain. There are possible alternatives, such as
supporting democratization (in reality, not rhetoric). But
these have likely consequences that the US would not favor.
That is why when the US supports “democracy”; it is “top-down”
forms of democracy in which traditional elites linked to the US
remain in power, to quote the leading scholar of “democracy
promotion,” Thomas Carothers, a former Reagan official who is a
strong advocate of the process but who recognizes the reality,
In fact, his reality told me something unexpected.
Chomsky says that in his reality, the alternatives of terrorism
are not an intervention of power, but a democratization. From
the boundary of my reality, the base of my everyday life was
anchored in online networks, shops on the streets, and
supermarkets. When those three disappeared, my daily routine was
ready to collapse without even a chance for me to arrange my
laundry basket.
From some day on, I often expect to know the inner reality of
everyone I meet. In doing so, I wish to realize that the reality
I know is not everything.
I hope that each chance encounter with another reality
intervenes with my own collapsing one.
When we talk about society, what do we talk about?
Politics and economics among many others, seem strongly
important. Expanded territories, colonialism, and suppression.
The logic of Capitalist economy brought superiors to the world.
The united front of European Imperialism made them blind to
conceive alternative ways of cognizing time and space. Free
movement by ruling the oceans, brought new conceptions of time
and space as forced souvenirs to others. The definition of space
should have celebrated the presence of superior in a new place,
and the time should have matched with the capitalist urge of
Pause! Is it possible to reclaim the time and space? Is it
possible to renew our definition of movement? How do we
experience a free movement through spaces globally every day?
Does the movement remain the same, or does it change within
political and economic transformations? I guess it does.
Could we, instead of being placeholders for ruling power which
utilizes bodies to exhibit its fake and forced diversity and
perpetuates its socio-economical function, hold the places as we
Response to Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet by Hakim Adam.txt
[HN] =
Hakeem's response to [N]
Response to Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by Nadim
Resting on the horizon, on its fluid bed perpetually pulling and
pushing but never splitting. My favorite reminder of the passage
of time is watching the Atlantic catch the light of the sky on
its face. That warm shimmering smile, wide and brimming across
my line of sight. That shuddering handshake of shrills as it
slips across the sand. By some power greater than that of time
to eat away of life, the sea digests space and all that
occupies. Eyes are breached by its effervescent dance and the
slug inside is leeched. All longing is substituted with a
bewitching simplicity, a noisy loop waving and crashing.
Waving and Crashing, an operational manual for Spaceship
Earth, written by One-Fifths of the Earth’s Surface.
- Hakeem Adam
Hakeem Adam's Response to Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
by Nadim Choufi.txt
[SJ] =
Suyeon's response to [J]
The season of transparent raincoats
The bizarre Angel wanders through the world and encounters
plain, ugly or cruel scenes. Each time it touches with its wing
one of the actors of the scene, which immediately becomes
unusual, graceful and gentle.
— Michel Tournier, Petites proses
While in a meeting, T listened, talked, and often simply stayed
apart next to the group. It seemed like a good idea to do so.
This way, T could feel at ease whenever T wanted to space out
for a moment with no definite idea, and to just see what people
were talking about. T was glad that there were people who
appeared in T’s mind as time went by.
Although T was capable of listening and responding in a way that
would please people, it was hard to feel as satisfied or
comfortable as the others, who seemed to effortlessly converse
with one another, moving from one topic to the next. A
“sentence” was itself more difficult due to a lack of nuance.
T also said that it would take a long time to meet them again
after that because the texts are often misunderstood.
A while ago, T had saké in a small pub at the corner of a street
with Z, who he hadn’t seen in four years. If it was not for
being nearly drunk, T would not have easily been so silly or
After babbling incoherently on a paper, T knew that many things
were difficult because T had only tried to keep a tidy
T often fairly regarded things as they existed.
Whenever T visits Z’s house, T rings the doorbell outside of the
fence. T actually wants to be more comfortable with Z. Sometimes
T imagines climbing over the fence of Z’s home to prank Z.
However, T could never do it due to a fear of being scolded.
When Z visits T’s place, and the door on the fence is not open,
Z just casually jumps over the fence of T’s home without ringing
a bell and says,
> “Hey, your front door was locked!”
Then after pretending to glower at Z for a bit, T would rather
just be surprised and slightly put a smile on a silly face.
Other times, T wants to get close to Z by crossing Z’s walls and
asking for forgiveness from Z after being told off. Well, was it
really that difficult?
T could not disguise all the glowering, but somehow was finally
able to set his own mind at ease.
It was okay if T is barely in balance because T will come to
find this balance again. Then T will give some time to oneself,
even if T loses his own balance.
Meanwhile, one text message from Z saying, “Take it easy.”
lingered in T’s mind for a long time.
Michael Bishop, “Tournier, Simon, Hyvrard and Cixous,” in
Literature and Spirituality, ed. David Bevan (Editions
Rodopi, 1992), 129.
[NS] =
Nadim's response to [S]
The construction of reality imposes a determined concept of
reality in order to begin building it. René Thom, a
mathematician known for his work in topologies and methods to
study systems undergoing sudden change emphasized, “If one
doesn’t have a concept of an object, one can’t recognize it.”
The central problem of topology is reconstructing the global to
the local, which asks how can you achieve a reconstruction
without removing yourself from the system, without becoming an
observer and without risking reality to become crystallized at a
specific time frame, as if on pause, in order to be evaluated?
How do you stay within the constantly changing reality as a
variable that changes along reality but also against it?
How many a desert plain, wind-swept,
like the surface of a shield,
empty, impenetrable, have I cut through on foot,
Joining the near end to the far,
then looking out from a summit, crouching sometimes, then standing,
While mountain goats, flint-yellow, graze around me, meandering like maidens draped in flowing shawls.
They become still in the setting sun, around me, as if I were a white-foot, bound for the high mountain meadow, tall-horned.
Shánfara, Arabian Ode in L’ translated by Michael A. Sells.
(Sells 1989)
We need to readjust our views on the boundaries of our realities
by developing an understanding of its centers and margins. The
desert depicted as an endless landscape becomes a site where
boundaries can be explored yet it is dependent on the person
occupying it. For Niki Jumpei, the school teacher from Tokyo,
the desert is initially a place of exile and loss of a previous
reality; while for Shánfara, the pre-Islamic poet, the desert is
used as a site of recontextualizing perspectives and
development. Shánfara accepts new centers directly linked to his
locations and wanderings. He insists on a relative nature
between centers and their unfolding margins that are never
constant. The center stops functioning as a stationary space
where an older reality and its social organizations are
preserved but becomes a pivot, always bound to lead you to
another center, in the infinite desert. The margins do not
become the edge of what is known but are transformed as much as
he is, “as if I were a white-foot,/bound for the high mountain
meadow,” to become the site of inevitable progression into
constructing realities. A site where the present is always a
Reference: Sells, Michael Anthony., and ʻAlqamah ibn ʻAbadah.
Desert Tracings: Six Classic Arabian Odes. Wesleyan
University Press, 1989.
[JD] =
Jana's response to [D]
Hängend, wie ein Kokon von der Decke, in der Luft- zerbrechlich
und nicht greifbar, wie flüssige Seide, rinnst du von der
Schwerkraft angezogen über die steinigen Kanten von Beton. Wie
ein Buch, in dem die Buchstaben aus Wasser bestehen, fließt du
hinab, durch unsere Hände und sammelst dich auf dem Boden, setzt
dich neu zusammen, um im nächsten Moment wieder in tausend
Einzelteile zu zerfallen. Immer und immer wieder.
Kleinteilig und unsichtbar spinnst du deine wertvollen Fäden. Du
webst mit dem Stoff, aus dem die Träume sind. In dieser Zeit,
verkümmert und abgeschieden schließt du die Türe und rollst dich
ein. Machst dich klein. Eingekapselt, deine Position mit einem
losen Gespinst aus Seidenfäden fixiert, schaffst du instabile
Welten, in Wandel begriffen- verankert im Nichts. Und lauschst
dem Lärm dieser Welt, dieser grölenden Leere, die du vor uns
On the egde of not being (passive) and not producing a thing.
Die feine Seide umschließt deinen Körper. Bewahrt dich vor dem
Fall. Sie ist Hülle von bewohntem Raum und inner mind,
organisierten Zellen und gewachsenen Flügeln. Du weißt,
durchbrechen lassen sich die Wände nur von dir selbst. Und
machst dich an die Arbeit, unerbittlich und selektiv in deinem
'Noch eine Nacht- schmerzhaft wie Wundbrand und das Volk des
Himmels schlägt mit den Flügeln, übt sich im Fliegen und fliegt
dann davon' (Choi Seung-Ho)
this is not your place- and I agree.txt
[SDH] =
Suyeon's response to [DH]
[Words misunderstood]
Now, you are watching a man leisurely climbing a hill on a
country road in the middle of the night. Where is he going? If
you look closely, this messy man is raising his head to the sky,
staggering and muttering something. It is summarized like
> At the bottom of Bus nr. 26 is a white dot on a blue
background. No, black dots on a white background. Anyway, many
of these dots are filling the floor. Although they are
numerous, individual dots do not believe in the existence of
other dots based on the reason that they are apart, as much as
other planets are apart.
The stars in the night sky are floating, never seen with my
eyes, and even (perhaps) unable to visually confirm their
existence throughout my entire life, but I know that they exist
far away from here in space. Ironically, I know that what I
want is on the other side of the globe, but I limit myself
about what I can do about it. The existence of a star is more
real to me than the potential that someone next to me, who has
free days, can end up dreaming and achieving something.
Well, let us follow as he continues.
> The dots on the bus floor cannot reach each other, but one
should believe a different world exists. And just as I know
that there are other worlds in the universe, I have to believe
that somebody else next to me exists. Also, when the dots on
this floor fade and disappear over time, they don’t have to
blame themselves. It is not because of the dots, but because of
the insensitivity of shoe soles. Perhaps I don’t have to be too
harsh on myself, even when sometimes I’m a wreck.
This is just a question that an untidy man often asked on his
way home at night, climbing the hills and looking at the stars
embroidered in the night sky over outlines of mountains.
Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (New
York: Harper Perennial, 2009).
Words misunderstood_ response to Dorsa_Suyeon Kim.txt
[HSJ] =
Hakeem's response to [SJ]
Response to The season of transparent raincoats
A character assumes the form of a vessel
with no knowledge of an even keel,
unable to resist the dance of forces.
Time rides the waves,
never easy,
never ending.
-Hakeem Adam
Response to The season of transparent raincoats.docx
[JHN] =
Jana's response to [HN]
The Overview Effect
Ruhend mit Blick auf den Horizont befinden wir uns in luftleerem
Raum, ohne Grenze nach oben und betrachten die fraktalen und
geometrischen Formen, ein oberflächliches Geschehen, das
Unwetter wirken lässt wie breitflächige Feuerwerke, wie
stecknadel-kopfgroße Irrlichter, die sich in unregelmäßigen
Lichterscheinungen verflüchtigen.
Ich fühle meinen Sitz unter mir in der Schwerelosigkeit hin- und
her wippen. Und werfe einen Blick zurück, langgezogen über alle
Dimensionen verstrichen, wie die langen Schattenkegel der Sonne
auf tiefblauem Ozean halbschräg unter mir.
Catching the light of the sky on its face. That warm
shimmering smile, wide and brimming across my line of sight.
Eine enorme Anziehungskraft hält mich in ihrem Bann, als wäre
ein Seil um meinen Körper gespannt, um mich zu halten, verankert
dort, wohin mein Blick geht. Ich sehe ihn unter mir, über mir
und vor mir liegend. Einen lebendigen und atmenden Organismus,
kraftvoll und verletzlich. Nur von einer hauchdünnen Schicht
umgeben, die das in ihr liegende abschirmt und zusammenhält. Ein
Außen endet und ein Innen beginnt, ohne dass sie sich
voneinander scheiden lassen.
Während Kometen ihre Bahnen ziehen, nähern wir uns dieser feinen
Linie und fragilen Lufthülle und tauchen in ihr grünlich-
goldenes Leuchten ein, in ihre unterschiedlichen Einfärbungen
und Zustände. Es wird ein Flug durch das Feuer. Wir durchbrechen
die strömende Luft, wie ein Pfeiler die raue See. Moleküle und
Teilchen schleudern an uns vorbei, reiben sich an unserer
Oberfläche, kollidieren mit sich selbst oder anderen
Strahlungsteilchen, in der unendlichen Fülle von leerem Raum.
Sie bleiben aneinander haften, tauschen sich aus, bilden größere
Partikel und wachsen zu Wolkentropfen. Der Schweiß steht mir auf
der Stirn.
All longing is substituted with a bewitching simplicity, a
noisy loop waving and crashing.
Ich werfe einen Blick zurück und spüre den Platz, an dem ich saß
und heruntergeschaut habe, worin ich mich nun befinde.
[DNS] =
Dorsa's response to [NS]
در تبعید
مسأله ی سلب برخورداری از امتیازاتی ویژه ممکن است منجر به اخراج یا تبعید شخصی به نقطه ای دیگر از جهان بشود.
تبعید، دستوری تنبیهی از جانب قدرت حاکم که می تواند از سوی یک شخص، یه گروه، یک سیستم قضایی یا یک قبیله باشد، عموما در صورت رعایت نشدن از جانب شخص رانده شده حتما عواقب سنگینی برایش به دنبال خواهد داشت.
تبعیدگاه کجاست و چطور تعریف می شود؟ ساکنین منطقه باید بپذیرند، محل زندگیشان به عنوان عمل تنبیهی به کسی تحمیل شده است.
واقعیت زندگی گروهی چطور تبدیل به کابوس دیگری شده؟ در عین حال که واقعیت زندگی فرد رانده شده دگرگون میشود، پیدا کردن درک جدید از وضعیت در تبعید چه شکلی به خود می گیرد؟
احراز هویت به عنوان فردی در تبعید یا تقدس بخشی به هویت محیط تبعیدگاه و بخشی از ان شدن.
ایا راهی برای شکستن چرخه باطل خشونت وجود دارد که در ان نه فرد مورد مجازات خود را محکوم به تحمل شرایط سخت بداند و نه از ساکنین منطقه ابژه های غریب یا جالبی برای عضو خود بسازد؟
pdf.در تبعید
(English translation)
Deprivation of a person from particular privileges can lead to expelling or exiling someone to another place on the planet. Exile is a punishing order from the sovereign power, which could be an order given by an individual, a group, a judicial system, or a tribe. If the subjected person doesn’t follow this order, serious consequences are considered. Where is the exile? How can one define it? The local residents should accept that their living place has been announced as non-livable and that someone has been imposed to live under the condition of non-life as a mode of punishment. The living reality of a community has become a nightmare for the other one. Even though that living of the expelled person is going under transformation, the alternative perception of the exile is up to question. Identifying one as an individual in exile, or embracing it as an authentic other-place are two common paths. Is there a way to break the loop of violence, in which the exiled person neither sees oneself condemned to live the non-life nor exoticizes the living who are there already?
I tried one final test. It was still a cold day, in early
spring, and I had thrown my coat and gloves on the sofa.
‘What is this?’ I asked, holding up a glove. I tried one final
test. It was still a cold day, in early spring, and I had thrown
my coat and gloves on the sofa.
‘May I examine it?’ he asked, and, taking it from me, he
proceeded to examine it as he had examined the geometrical
‘A continuous surface,’ he announced at last, ‘infolded on
itself. It appears to have’—he hesitated—’five outpouchings, if
this is the word.’
‘Yes,’ I said cautiously. You have given me a description. Now
tell me what it is.’
‘A container of some sort?’
Yes,’ I said, ‘and what would it contain?’
‘It would contain its contents!’ said Dr P., with a laugh.
‘There are many possibilities. It could be a change purse, for
example, for coins of five sizes. It could ...’
I interrupted the barmy flow. ‘Does it not look familiar? Do you
think it might contain, might fit, a part of your body?’
No light of recognition dawned on his face.
(Later, by accident, he got it on, and exclaimed, ‘My God,
it’s a glove!’ This was reminiscent of Kurt Goldstein’s patient
‘Lanuti’, who could only recognize objects by trying to use
them in action.)
No child would have the power to see and speak of ‘a continuous
surface ... infolded on itself,’ but any child, any infant,
would immediately know a glove as a glove, see it as familiar,
as going with a hand. Dr P. didn’t. He saw nothing as familiar.
Visually, he was lost in a world of lifeless abstractions.
Indeed, he did not have a real visual world, as he did not have
a real visual self. He could speak about things, but did not see
them face-to-face. Hughlings Jackson, discussing patients with
aphasia and left hemisphere lesions, says they have lost
‘abstract’ and ‘propositional’ thought—and compares them with
dogs (or, rather, he compares dogs to patients with aphasia). Dr
P., on the other hand, functioned precisely as a machine
functions. It wasn’t merely that he displayed the same
indifference to the visual world as a computer but—even more
strikingly—he construed the world as a computer construes it, by
means of key features and schematic relationships. The scheme
might be identified—in an ‘identi-kit’ way—without the reality
being grasped at all.
Oliver Sacks,
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical
(New York: HarperCollins, 1987), 16-17.
Suyeon_Matter of seeing relation on things _ response to
Hakeem_ by. Suyeon Kim.txt
[HJHN] =
Hakeem's response to [JHN]
Surface Tension Overview
My eyes disobey the view, rejecting the invisible lines we learn
not to cross.
Like we learn to lower our voices, suppress our laughs, box-up
our joy, betray our rage. They stay shut in protest, against the
tyranny of presence. They retreat into the nothingness where
geometries lack origin and space is shaped by how deeply we
refuse to look.
The tension on the surface, undisturbed, is stronger than the
forces it holds in place.
-Hakeem Adam.
Hakeem_Surface Tension Overview Hakeem Adam.docx
[NDNS] =
Nadim's response to [DNS]
Where is the exile and how can one define it? – Excerpt from
Dorsa’s response
Exiles of our time are refugees as Said linked the displaced
person to warfare, imperialism, and totalitarian rulers. Those
are the dangers the refugee has fled from, yet predominantly all
maps tracing refugee routes and populations attribute the
refugees rather than the location of danger, the color of
warning, disaster, and alarm: the color red.
The weak justification of red being a clear contrasting color
that enhances data visualization does not hold in color theory
as high contrasts can be developed in multiple color pairings.
It is precisely our association of red with danger that allows
it to stand out on a map and it is precisely the discriminatory
treatment of refugees as threats, risks, and incoming danger
that has defined them in red.
Description: A three-dimensional software program translates the
image into an object. The image describes a weightless and
open-ended state. Hovering between utopian promises and
dystopian fears,
Icarus's repeated fall as a form of touching the ground
embodies the pivotal point between what once was and what might
be. An intermediate state with an open output, located in a
state of suspense. Between presence and response.
Every body thrown vertically, diagonally, or horizontally is
located in a state of non-gravitational force and opens up a
potential space in its interaction with its environment. Under
near weightlessness, the liquid wax forms oil spheres, melting
immediately into a new form in free fall. Instability and
uncertainty are building stable ground layers out of formless
matter. They become certain. Materialized in image and space.
"There would be a whistle, a hum, a hight mumur, and, at last, a
Jana_The world is all that is. In fact, everything that is left
to itself falls..odt
[DJNJD] = Dorsa's response to [JNJD]
How do we respond to history? Disaster happens slowly and quietly, like the everyday life we are living. It is not the virus, it is the social conditions which makes us vulnerable. It is not the empty city which is scary, but the city itself. Bruegel showed us that the disastrous act didn’t happen with the fall, but was and is happening slowly as we live. What matters is not the fall of Icarus but what is occurring around it. Otherwise, he failed because he had to fail.
Now as we came to an end, ironically for me to complete the circle of thoughts and responses, I shall finish with another poem of the same poet whom I started with, W.H. Auden. He responded to Peter Bruegel’s point of view about Icarus:
“In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.”
(Musee des Beaux Arts, W. H. Auden)
Dorsa_how do we respond.pdf
Jana's response to [SHSJ]
Calabi-Yau manifold
A drop shadow is caused by the linearity and forms over
Folding in spacetime
I knot my hair
Immerse myself in other lives and remember what it would be,
like if it could be, that it is
Being part of it without moving too much
I become multiplicity
Fine lines running through space and time
Anchored in nothingness
Immeasurable and invisible they carry my body
Growing with spinning movements
Into higher dimensions, up into obscurity
To become condensed infinities
They form space within space
Space for complexity and simultaneity
While I knot my hair they form a container
Filled with emerging memories and confluent narratives
A bag full of stars
Folded in itself.
Abbott, Edwin A..
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. London: Seeley
and Co., 1884.
Le Guin, Ursula K.. “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction.”
Women of Vision. Edited by Denise Dupont. New York: St.
Martin's Press, 1988.
Jana_Calabi Yau- manifold.odt
Jana_Calabi- Yau manifold.jpg
Suyeon's response to [NDNS]
Mango tree and flies
I love nature.
Well, do I really?
After having breakfast, I saw it was time to water the mango
tree. The soil was not dried out. I heard from somewhere that
this tree came from Southeast Asia, where there is a tropical
climate and frequent rain. These days are nice for this small
mango tree to grow under sunshine. It is not grounded on a wide
land of soil; rather, it is in a small flower pot filled with
indoor soil which I bought from a hardware store. Fortunately,
this mango tree is not so picky about its home ground. It simply
grows, gradually enjoying the sunlight.
Today in the morning, I moved the mango pot around before
cleaning the house and found small fruit flies crawling out from
the soil of the pot. Immediately, I thought:
> Oh, I should get rid of them soon before they spread all over
the room.
However, is it really fair to think about it like this?
What if I was one of the fruit flies? It would be the worst
beginning of my day, since now I am suddenly having my life
Despite my consternation, I will find a way to ignore the flies
around the mango tree. After all, this is what I would want me
to do if I were a fruit fly.
Well, now can I say that I love nature when I am faced with such
a predicament?
Meanwhile, it is still not entirely up to me to choose which
action will benefit me the most, or how to reconcile this action
with that of another organism that is also just going about
their life. This struggle is discussed by Noam Chomsky and
Eleanor Wachtel:
CHOMSKY: The hypocrisy of the political leadership
doesn’t particularly enrage me. I just take that for granted.
But what I do find enraging—I never get over this emotion,
though I realize its impropriety—is the way in which the
educated sectors behave in the manner of the commissar class.
It’s their deceit and distortion and subordination to power,
their unwillingness to face the realities in front of them,
which just promote an aesthetic or emotional point of view, that
I find hardest to tolerate. Maybe because I live in those
circles. I should understand that, objectively, that’s their
role, as much as it’s the role of a person who wields state
power to be deceitful, but the distinction is nevertheless
there, emotionally.
WACHTEL: By commissar class, you’re referring to the
intellectual world, the media? A world that you expect more
CHOMSKY: I don’t expect any more from them and I never
did. I don’t want to exaggerate. But in large parts of the media
and in educated, respectable sectors rather generally, that
strikes me as just appalling and intolerable. If you look back
at history, to the earliest sources, this is the way it’s always
been. Take the Bible, the earliest literary source that we have,
and consider the people who are now respected—the prophets. They
were reviled then. They were imprisoned, driven into the desert
and hated, in large part because of their moral teaching and
because of their geopolitical analysis. A large part of what
they gave is what we would today call political or geopolitical
analysis. They warned of the consequences of policies that were
being taken. The people who were honoured at that time were
those whom we now call false prophets, and I think that there
are good reasons for that. Obviously, pandering to power will
lead to respect and authority and privilege. Condemnation of
immorality, of the abuse of power, of the destructive-ness for
the general public of the use of power—such policies will lead
to antagonism on the part of those who have the capacity to use
violence or to organize the masses against people who question
that authority. That’s obvious, and the picture that you see in
the Bible is one that replicates itself over and over again in
every society, including ours.
WACHTEL: I don’t want to accuse you of presumption, but
do you identify with the prophets in the Bible?
CHOMSKY: No. I would say that this is true of every
critical element in any society. I mention that because it’s a
classic example.
How far are they from each other? The desire to have a mango
tree without crawling creatures versus seeking to be honored by
At this point, I stopped thinking about all these questions and
began to look at all the fruit flies hovering and crawling
around the mango tree.
Eleanor Wachtel, Original Minds (New York: HarperCollins,
Suyeon_Mango tree and flies _response to Nadim_Suyeon Kim.txt
Hakeem's response to [DSDH]
Nature’s Recycling System
The color of my sin.
The veil trailing the setting sun. A card closing the scene.
Bleaching all radiance to nothing.
Many sunsets live on this tape. Rolling on with a rhythm that
drowns out the freshness of a start or an end. Perpetual motion
with no energy loss.
But the Law of conservation of energy is the branch by which I
swing in the Southern Breeze. With each loop it shrivels. With
each loop it collapses from within, as the fibers crack under
the weight I cannot carry.
Till I drop. Into the color of my skin. On the veil that never
catches the light but lives in its shadow.
-Hakeem Adam.
Hakeem_Nature's Recycling .docx
[NHJHN] = Nadim's response to [HJHN]
The true horizon, the longest horizontal view of what
touches the Earth’s surface and what does not, is often
obscured. What is in view is the visible horizon , full
of land, trees, buildings, highways, and the list goes on in
many references ending with etc ... implying more things
in sight. It doesn’t include the claims on which they were
built, the political foundations that make the horizon ripple
all that it touches and its repercussions of a wave on the other
side of the shore.
By clicking the Print button (or Ctrl + P), your response will be materialized. You can either
print it immediately or choose the 'Print to File' option to save
it as a PDF.
This single A4 page will show your selected route, as well
as the texts and the drawing you might have made on the caring
If you wish for your personal PDF to be part of a physical
exhibition at Circa 106 in the near future, please send your file
A project originated by the conversations between Aria Farajnezhad, Víctor Artiga Rodríguez and Pablo Somonte Ruano. Curated and organized by Aria and Víctor. Online publication and coding by Pablo.